
Geomembrane – liquid impermeable material, HDPE, EPDM and LLDPE film which can be used to prevent the leakage of pollution from the waste water treatment system into the surrounding environment, and which acts as a liquid barrier in the construction of tunnels and underground buildings.

Geomembranes are usually made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), synthetic rubber (EPDM) or linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE). The thickness of geomembranes is 0.5 – 3mm. According to the needs, it is possible to make geomembranes with a textured surface (higher frictional resistance) and reinforcement.

Geomembranes made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) are highly chemically resistant and have the following applications:
waste repositories
slurry tanks
cleaning equipment
oil terminals
petrol stations

Stretchable and elastic geomembranes (LLDPE and EPDM) are very suitable for use in the following areas:
water reservoirs
moisture insulation of floors
flat roofs
covering landfills and waste repositories

Category: Product ID: 1831